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Subject: Ford 8N Engine and Ford Model A Engine

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Jeff Boyer    Posted 03-28-2013 at 20:15:18 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • Ford 8N Engine and Ford Model A Engine
  • Is there any relationship between the engine in the 8N tractor and the engine in the Model A ford cars or trucks? I was just curious since they are all Fords.


    Tim Daley(MI)    Posted 04-04-2013 at 08:59:05 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Ford 8N Engine and Ford Model A Engine
  • The 9N L-Head is probably a better engine and as Gaspump stated, not a lot of similarities. The early V8 came after the Model A and the 9N engine was based on the 85 hp Mercury V8 cut in half. If you are thinking of swapping out 9N parts with Model A parts, forget it, it ain't gonna work. Parts are unique to a vehicle based on the prefix code. "9N' signifies the 9N tractor or thereafter. Look through parts manuals and you will see a lot of parts with "01A" or "59C" or B-xxxx, or several other part markings. These mean they are used on other vehicles as well. 01A is a good example. the zero designates first year used, in this case 1940. You see a lot of fasteners and hardware common to all passenger cars, trucks, and tractors. Other than that, you won't get say a 9N10000-B generator to swap out with a Model A one.

    Tim Daley(MI)

    36coupe    Posted 04-21-2013 at 19:14:46 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Ford 8N Engine and Ford Model A Engine
  • The Mercury V8 was 95 hp You have just posted BS.

    Gaspump    Posted 04-04-2013 at 11:28:03 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Ford 8N Engine and Ford Model A Engine
  • That story about being 1/2 of a Mercury V8 is just that, a big story. It seems to have originated with the people that pump out those MBI books about Ford Tractors. There are very few items on a Ford Tractor N engine that interchange with the Merc V8 other than nuts, bolts and some common fasteners that were common to FMC inventory of the day. The design is of a similar overall concept but that is it.

    Gaspump    Posted 03-28-2013 at 20:48:55 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Ford 8N Engine and Ford Model A Engine
  • They are both 4 cycle, 4 cylinder, water cooled and that is about where it ends.

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