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Subject: Front Bumpers

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Kimberly    Posted 03-22-2021 at 21:34:24 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • Front Bumpers
  • Did the 8N tractors come with a front bumper or was that an add-on? I am just trying to learn a bit of history with my old tractor. This was a work tractor that my Dad purchased from someone when I was probably around 12 years old maybe. I don't really remember how the tractor was when Dad acquired it; or how many previous owners it may have had. I know there are some photos around showing the tractor; I think one with Dad driving the tractor, so I am going to see if my sister has them.

    Anyway, here is a photo of the front bumper on the tractor; when I look at other photos of 8N the bumpers seem to be different. I am not interesting in restoring the tractor to showroom; it will remain a work tractor. Even if parts on the tractor are not correct for the year; they are correct to the tractor I have as far as the history of the tractor. Parts would wear out and be replaced with what was available that would work.

    Tim Daley(MI)    Posted 03-23-2021 at 10:55:56 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Front Bumpers
  • Grille Guards (front bumpers) were never a factory installed item. They were only dealer supplied optional accessories. You have a later Hundred/Thousand Series bumper. Not a big deal if not concerned with originality and the fact it works well is the important factor. OEM ones pop up on fleabay often, most have bent or missing bars. New repops also at DC & Just8s. FWIW & FYI, here is an original FORD 8N bumper. Note 4 bars are riveted on, curved side braces, and welded tow bracket. Expect to pay at least $250 for a repop and maybe same for a used one.


    Tim Daley(MI)

    Kimberly    Posted 03-23-2021 at 12:47:21 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • Re: Front Bumpers
  • Thanks Tim; you are the man to go to on these old 8Ns. I thought that bumper wasn't correct. I am wondering if it was on the tractor when Dad acquired it or if there wasn't a front grill guard and Dad went to a salvage yard and found one and installed it. I am going to hunt for old family photos and see if I can find a photo with the tractor in it.

    I did find a replica front bumper/guard on flea bay for $288.99; that does include shipping. I am not that concern with the one on the Old Girl being incorrect at this time.

    This old tractor does have some peculiarities. For example, in your first photo you can see your oil filler tube; your tractor has a long filler tube but my 8N has a short oil filler tube. When did the oil filler tube change? I am wondering why my is different; perhaps it got damaged and again Dad; or previous owner, went to a salvage yard and got a replacement.

    If I ever do decide to restore the tractor as original, I would want everything correct. For now I just want a work machine and it is interesting to see the little things that has happened to the tractor since rolling off of the assembly line.

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