Posted 01-07-2017 at 11:46:07 [URL] [DELETE]
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Dearborn rotary hoe for Ferg cultivator
I have some Dearborn rotary hoes that I purchased in the 50s and used them on our Ferguson solid shank cultivator. By using little shanks near row and sweeps in center of ror and adjustable top link, adjusted so front shanks just barlie dug, I was able to cultivate corn at 1" high at 3 MPH. Hear is a picture of them. I will probably never use them and they are for sale. I also have a "Ottnawa" side dresser that I purchased in 50s, that fit the same cultivator and is driven off the hub (8N or 600). I also had a JD 999 2 row 3 point plater, that had a swivel hitch to go around corners. Mom scrapped it however. Any info or picture would be appreciated. Charles Krammin