Kirk-NJ |
Posted 09-15-2010 at 04:30:49 [URL] [DELETE]
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Adjustable wrench
When to a sale the other day and picked up a ford adjustable wrench. Ford script on the side. It is squared off at the end of the handle. Does anyone know what the square piece fits or was used for? I can post a photo if it will help. Kirk
Tim Daley(MI) |
Posted 09-18-2010 at 19:10:53 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
Kirk- What you have is the Ford B-17021 Adjustable Wrench, issued on 8/15/1913. The 01A-17021-A Adjustable Wrench took it's place on 4/10/1940 and the length was shortened to about 8 inches and the 3/8" square tang was removed. This would be the monkey wrench in the N-Series Tractor toolkits,however, the early 9N toolkits would have contained the B-17021 wrench up until the change. The square tang was to remove or install the drain plug on the diffy case. Tim Daley(MI)
*9N653I* & *8NI55I3* |  |  |
Paladin (Bob In PA) |
Posted 09-27-2010 at 09:02:38 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench - attn Tim & Ed
Tim: It's shame that we don't have a permanent location on this website for a picture of your display of the correct tools and their part numbers. I know that the info has been posted numerous times, but it IS inconvenient for you to have to keep reposting and/or for folks to have to do archive searches or lots of scrolling. Could Ed add this to the "Manuals" section - scanned in pictures of the tools with their correct part numbers? Just a thought. Bob
Tim Daley(MI) |
Posted 10-03-2010 at 07:48:37 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench - attn Tim & Ed
Hey Bob- Yes, good idea. I will post the tool info soon as i get a few more pictures up on Photobucket and update my list to include grease guns and the NAA tools I posted back in '09. I am working on a book strictly on the Ford Tractor Tools with some prodding from Marv Baumann and Tinm O'Callaghan. I have photo copies of all the tools now and the information can now be set down on chronological order. I need a publisher. Tim
Jimmyjack |
Posted 05-03-2011 at 22:10:34 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench - attn Tim & Ed
Tim, I went through my plow wrenches and wondered if you still needed any of the M numbers?
Kirk-NJ |
Posted 09-19-2010 at 08:08:40 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
Tahnks Tim. Would this wrench been in the toolkit of the old fordsons also? Kirk
Ed Gooding (VA) |
Posted 09-24-2010 at 07:08:47 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
The Fordson adjustable wrench looks like this:  Regards............Ed '52 8N475798
Tim Daley(MI) |
Posted 09-19-2010 at 09:05:16 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
Kirk- NO. Fordsons had their own tools. The adjustable wrench was sort of like a Crescent-style wrench made by Wescott with a curved handle. I think there is a photo of the kit in the HISTORY forum archives. HTH Tim Daley(MI)
Randy(PA) |
Posted 09-15-2010 at 13:56:52 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
The square end was to fit the square recess socket on the two pipe plugs in the differential housing of the Model A ford.
Kirk-NJ |
Posted 09-15-2010 at 16:55:41 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
Thanks. I seen this one on line. This is not mine but basically the same.
Ed Gooding (VA) |
Posted 09-24-2010 at 07:07:43 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
Kirk, that wrench came in car tool kits only. The one included in the Ford tractor tool kit looks like this (2nd from top):  Regards............Ed '52 8N475798
Jimmyjack |
Posted 05-03-2011 at 22:15:50 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
I emtyed my tool collection box to make up wrench sets. I completed about 3 or 4. I have some plow wrenches with the M numbers. does anybody need any specific numbers for their collection? Im trying to figure out which wrenches went with which tractors? Does it make any difference when putting the kits together?
Ed Gooding (VA) |
Posted 05-04-2011 at 06:02:04 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
The "M" indicates the manufacturer of the wrench, in this case the Manzel company. Here's a reference for the various mfg's of Ford/Ferguson tools:   Hope this helps............Ed
K.LaRue-VA |
Posted 09-26-2010 at 17:34:02 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
Hi Ed, Is it my eyes, or is that pair of pliers a little too rounded to be the "bullet shaped" N-tractor pliers? KL
Rod in Memphis |
Posted 09-15-2010 at 09:44:27 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Adjustable wrench
A picture would help for sure, I thing I may have one of those wrenches although, the end is not square but more like a rectangle flat but the end is squared off.