Posted 08-16-2022 at 16:08:37 [URL] [DELETE]
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Ford-Ferguson Moto-Tug
Massey Aerodrome (MD1) & Massey Air Museum c/o William G. Dougherty TO: Forum RE: Ford-Ferguson Moto-Tug 8/16/22 The Massey Air Museum (Eastern Shore Maryland) is restoring a Ford-Ferguson Moto-Tug BNO-40 #2269 and we have discovered that it had what I can only describe as Disc Brakes although not the caliper and disc we’re used to seeing on cars (or on planes for that matter) - more like a clutch with a pressure plate (backing plate) that squeezes the disc brake pad against the drum. Does anyone know what these brakes are? Who manufactured them? What were they used on? One side locks up (and releases) and we’re trying to diagnose the problem. (Preview doesn't show the photos so I guess I did something wrong but you can see all the photos from the Link to the whole album below) Photo pad & drum : Backing Plate: Test Drive