Walt/Tx |
Posted 08-19-2008 at 18:17:27 [URL] [DELETE]
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falling into gear
I read a post on the N Board today about a tractor slipping out of gear which reminded me of something that happened back in'63 when I was 15. I worked on a ranch, and my foreman was pulling an old worn out 9N off to start it with an 8N and a chain. The 9 started okay, and old Mr. Layman the ranchhand got off the 9 to undo the chain, leaving the 9 at a fast idle to charge the battery. Suddenly the 9 jumped into gear,(not sure which one) crushing Mr. Layman against the 8N and then stalled out. I was working 20 ft away and the foreman yelled for me to go get "Doc". The ranch owner was a retired doctor who lived about 300 yds from the scene of the mishap. I ran like a rabbit down the hill and got the Doc. He told his wife to call the ambulance then drove up the hill and attended the old fella who suffered a crushed pelvis and some internal injuries as the grill of the 9 crushed him against the rear tire of the 8. He completely recovered in 4 months although he was 65 at the time. So, I never trust a tractor that slips gears either in or out. Walt/Tx