Andy B (MI) |
Posted 08-18-2016 at 11:13:58 [URL] [DELETE]
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Looking at welders
Kinda been looking at welders for some time but thinking more seriously about one right now. I know quite a few welding guys who say they'll help teach but most of them have top of the line or company welders they bring home for themselves. So what would you guys recommend? I haven't read too much about them yet. I don't want to spend much but don't want to get junk. There's a Clarke 100E MK2 Mig for not too much for sale near me. I've heard some good things about Clarkes before. Any opinions/tips? Thanks in advance.
Andy B (MI) |
Posted 08-27-2016 at 20:43:31 [URL] [DELETE]
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Update, Thanks!
Thanks for you thoughts/ideas! As most of you probably already saw, that Clarke mig is already sold. So thinking I will wait for a Lincoln or Miller. Talked to a lifelong welder today and he said Mig would be best for my learning to weld as I will be doing mostly hobby stuff and nothing really thick at all. A friend of my Grandpa's that's been welding for years told me to come on over to his place so I can get a feel for it before actually purchasing, so will probably head out to his place soon. Thanks again!
Larry (TX) |
Posted 08-28-2016 at 17:35:26 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Update, Thanks!
That's a very smart decision Andy, and one you won't regret further along the way! Whether you end up with the Lincoln or the Miller, once you get the hang of welding, you'll love the machine!
PatrickB |
Posted 08-26-2016 at 18:22:38 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Looking at welders
I worked in industrial construction for 40 years - 25 of it welding pipe. Here's my two cents worth. If you've never welded before, I would suggest looking for a Lincoln or Miller(Tbolt) Buzz box. Make sure it's AC/DC. Then use DC. If your 'welding friends' are willing to look over your shoulder and tell you what your doing wrong and are of some help, great. If not, look for an AG class, vocational class, etc. So you can start out right.
36 coupe |
Posted 08-24-2016 at 05:27:43 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Looking at welders
Clarke is out of business.Miller and Lincoln are your best bet.A cheap welder will sour you on welding fast.A used Lincoln 225s sells for 100 bucks around here.Learn stick welding first,Mig welders cost more to run..
Larry (TX) |
Posted 08-19-2016 at 12:17:54 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Looking at welders
It all depends on what type of welding you want to do, i.e., hobbyist doing occasional light weight 1/8th, 3/16ths and 1/4" thick metals, or welding more often heavier and thicker ordinary metals; also specialized metals such as aluminum, copper and stainless (all take the more expensive Argon gas). Myself having been a self taught stick and MIG welder since back in the mid 70's, there are only three brands of welding machines in my book - those being LINCOLN, HOBART and MILLER. That said however, the CLARKE welder you show, particularly for only $150, would probably be a good starter machine if you plan to do only the hobby type work. CLARKE welders are the lower or bottom of the line priced machines, not meaning they aren't reliable or good welders by any means. Before paying for it, I'd do my best to find at least a somewhat experienced welder to take along and check it out.
Carson (NCAL) |
Posted 08-18-2016 at 11:37:49 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Looking at welders
I picked up a little 110V inverter welder form our friends at Harbor Freight. I have been really happy with the results and it has done all the work that I have come up with. I stick weld and have not had good luck with wire welders. That being said I should take a class and learn more about wire welding and TIG. I like the inverter welders and the fact they are DC welders. At some point I would like a higher quality unit but for now this thing has done a lot of work for a little money.
Farmer Dan |
Posted 08-18-2016 at 11:24:31 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Looking at welders
That would be ok for your first welder. After a while you'll get good at it and you'll want to get a better brand. But that should work for ya. If you are near Marshall, MI I have a rear scoop I could loan out so you can try it and see if you want to buy one. I only use mine about once every three years LOL.
Andy B (MI) |
Posted 08-27-2016 at 20:47:55 [URL] [DELETE]
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Re: Looking at welders
Marshall's only about 45 mins from here, may have to take you up on that some time. My email should be open.