Identifying Flathead Ford 6's In Funk Conversions

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Posted by Paladin (Bob In PA) on February 18, 2009 at 17:18:30 [URL] [DELETE] :

First, I want to thank Jim Cepek who did most of the legwork here back in Nov. of 2006. Jim has an "M" series Ford flathead in his Funk, and I have an "H" series.

Reference from ""

"The Flatheads came in either a "H" or a "M' series. The "M" series was more heavy duty with a 254 engine compared to the "H" series 226. The torque of the "M" series was 212@1200 RPM while the "H" was 180@1200 RPM's. The H-Series was used in the F-1 through F-6 models while the M-series was used strictly in the F-6 model. The F-7 and F-8 used a "E" series motor. . "

Here's how to tell them apart:

H Series - marked on top of the head (between spark plugs 2&3) in raised letters "1HA-6050", and on the left side of the block, down low, "1HA-6015"

M Series - marked on top of the head (between spark plugs 2&3) in raised letters "8MTH-6050", and on the left side of the block, down low, "8MTH-6015"

Please note that additional suffix letters or numbers may be present - my block is actually marked "1HA-6015A" and Jim's block is "8MTH-6015B 6" I do not know what the additional numbers and letters mean.

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