Re: Engine Block Serial Numbers vs. Casting Date Codes

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Posted by Tim Daley(MI) on August 01, 2009 at 07:01:59 [URL] [DELETE] :

In Reply to: Re: Engine Block Serial Numbers vs. Casting Date Codes posted by GREENTHUMB on July 08, 2009 at 18:33:38:

If you can't read the s/n on your block, and many are unreadable simply because they were hand-stamped and thus the depth of the chatacters/numerals is unequal, there are other spots where you can get a ballpark idea of when it was cast. The starter port is cast right into thge block and is one with the block. There should be a boss tag on it with a casting code in raised letters. Letters were used to designate month, The letter "A" designated the month of January, etc, and the letter "I" was used up to a certain year on the 8N early on. For example, my casting code reads "I167" making the cast date of September 16, 1947 for my early 8N. There are other areas to check too like the axle housings and aluminum cover underneath diffy. Go to -John Smiths web site where he goes into much detail on How To Identify Your Tractor...

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