Re: Moto Tug Videos

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Posted by Gaspump on December 08, 2009 at 13:19:28 [URL] [DELETE] :

In Reply to: Re: Moto Tug Videos posted by Tim Daley(MI) on December 08, 2009 at 12:15:56:

To me it reads that the allotment of Tractors(Moto-Tugs) and Jeeps per Carrier Vessel is being increased to the new numbers according to its class. It also says there are pools of these vehicles awaiting on the west Coast. It also reads the Motos are built by Harry Ferguson. So it is beginning to sound like Moto-Tugs were indeed on the West coast prior to the date of the letter and states "Built by Harry Ferguson" so this brings Harrys Plant on Telegraph Rd into the picture as being a possible and likely construction site of the moto-Tug.

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