Re: ferguson/dearborn

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Posted by curtis on April 04, 2011 at 21:34:17 [URL] [DELETE] :

In Reply to: Re: ferguson/dearborn posted by Ed Gooding (VA) on April 04, 2011 at 19:39:43:

That's it! Different sweeps, of course. Also, no DO-91 disc accessory.
I've seen several around here--apparently they were pretty popular at one time.
Still are, I guess, since I use mine several times a year. I use it to throw up rows for gardening. I have used it in the past year as a single middle buster (you can mount one shank in the middle) to plow up some shallow trenches to lay drip irrigation lines to different areas for shrubs. It sure beats doing it by hand!
Only drawback really is the fact that the shanks only can be slightly adjusted, which gives the more modern tool bar a big advantage. But it is still handy to have and the price was right! Thanks for the parts blowup---even if they aren't available anymore.

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