In Reply to: Re: The Ditzler Paint Story posted by Tim Daley(MI) on July 29, 2013 at 21:21:13:
They used differing techniques for under top coats. One of the most successful was the hot dip process. Whole car bodies and sheet metal parts were completely dipped in a hot solution, not sure of its make up and it was somewhat secret. I'm sure it had some phosphoric acid but couldn't be very strong as the tanks were right on the the assy lines fully inside the buildings. Parts went right into the tanks on conveyor belts and came out the other end ready for painting. Some sub lines primed but usually only smaller parts. Processes changed from year to year too.
Just wondering, Ditzler was a PPG product since way back about the 1960's. You mentioned the original Ditzler plant there now has DuPont on it, wonder if PPG sold the plant to them but not the Ditzler line?
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