In Reply to: Just like an airplane; all about weight posted by Mike Wilson, Catlett VA on November 15, 2008 at 04:48:09:
In 1954 I was sitting in one of the seats along the sides of a Marine R5D on the way home for discharge from Korea and Japan. The plane was landing at Tokyo International. There was freight strapped down in the middle with military people along the sides. Right after we touched the strip the front end started up and the tail started dropping down. The door to the pilots compartment was opened by a guy that yelled "everyone up here NOW!". Needless to say it didn't take long for us to get to the front of the plane while we were speeding down the air strip. The nose of the plane came softly down and made a good landing before reaching the end of the strip. I guess it can be said that it took all of us to land the plane safely. I have always felt that the guys in the control tower were probably saying "how did they do that?". Flying has never been one of my favorite things to do.....;o(
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