Ferguson AO-Moldboard Plow Parts Book

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Posted by Tim Daley(MI) on October 13, 2009 at 12:26:37 [URL] [DELETE] :

This is the Ferguson Parts Book for the AO Moldboard Plows, copyright 1946. We'll start with the front and back covers, notably the back which has a very good description of the AO Plow Types and Descriptions with sketches of the moldboard and shares shown for each. Next are two pages which give more pertinent information on bases, shares, moldboards, landsides,and other parts, along with their part numbers. Be aware that attempting to locate new replacement parts for these plows is difficult as well as very expensive. Moldboards and shares may be still available for some models, and probably the only parts still available, but, from personal searches, they are costly. Pages 12 and 13 show the chart with components listed for each model. They are viewed from left to right so you'll need to copy and save to your hard drive then print them out and put side by side in order to follow across the pages.

Front Cover-

Back Cover-

Page 12-

Page 13-

Tim Daley(MI)
*9N653I* & *8NI55I3*

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