In Reply to: Re: Actions vs consequences posted by Dave M on November 15, 2008 at 04:34:45:
I knew this question would come up, so I did a little background checking in order to make things clearer. The wagon was a full-sized hay wagon, painted green and yellow, with an oak deck that was loaded with about 25 bales of hay, 8 adults, and about 16 children. The tractor was, unfortunately, a 2N that had been "restored" with a couple of cans of spray paint, some new wiring, and new ignition components. A friend of mine who works on tractors in the area and has done quality work on several of my tractors when I lived in Kansas City, had supplied the new components for the man and had advised him that his brakes needed to be repaired because of leaking axle seals. The gentleman chose to ignore the advice and figured that he could "get by" for the time-being. Bad choice with tragic consequences. Also, the street was steep; not quite as steep as Lombard Street in San Francisco, but quite steep. No amount of engine back pressure would have slowed down this load, when the compression in the 60 year old engine was probably compromised to begin with. Just bad judgement or a lapse in thought when everyone was just out to have a good time. Isn't that when most tragedies happen?
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