In Reply to: I guess this would be a tool??? posted by dave#1 on October 23, 2016 at 09:06:48:
I used to be afraid of using poison, but after years of plugging holes, watching untripped mouse traps, and just the general frustration of finding "pills" in places not desired I figured out a way to use the cakes without too much danger of animals getting to them.
I use a 1-1/2 to a 2 inch piece of pipe that's about two feet long, or longer if you feel the need. I put the poison cake inside the middle of the pipe and slide that under my house in several places. I find that if the pipe is metal, galvanized or not, most animals can't or won't try to get at the poison. If you have bigger dogs or ambitious cats you can put a brick or something on it where it can't be moved. Mice and rats will go in and get the stuff, but bigger animals can't get at it. I have never seen a cat or dog eat a sick mouse. Even if they did, there isn't enough of the blood thinner left in it to do much to the animal.
Since I started doing this I rarely find a mouse in the house. When I do it's already sick.