In Reply to: I guess this would be a tool??? posted by dave#1 on October 23, 2016 at 09:06:48:
I also have an old farm house and it sets empty a good share of the winter. I have three of the 5 gallon mouse traps. So far this year I have only caught five. Last year was a total of 13 and the year previous 17. Think I'm thinning the herd!
Google 5 gallon mouse trap and you will find several videos on making them.
The most humane is to use automotive antifreeze but then you have a problem disposing of the dead mice so other animals don't get hurt.
I have used tap water but if left setting too long they will get to stinking!
Currently I am using RV Antifreeze. Buy it off season and you can get it pretty cheap.
My nephew made a modified bucket. He installed the axle further down in the bucket, drilled a mouse sized hole in the side and then put the top back on. He uses this under he trailer house and other critters do not get into it.
Good Luck